Sunday 7 October 2012

InterRailing: Zagreb

We arrived in Zagreb to find it was extremely hot and we had a good half hour walk ahead of us. This was mostly quite unpleasant and by the side of a busy road- we quickly learnt the trams and buses are far more pleasant. We stayed in a small, friendly hostel called Hostel Lika. Despite the tiny size of the rooms it was a nice environment- lots of foreigners in the bar which was technically alfresco, with bamboo stick walls (or something similar). We tried to see a few of the sites that afternoon and ended up at the Museum of Broken Relationships- interesting if a little depressing (for obvious reasons); it was basically a personal history museum. 

We then were able to witness some kind of traditional celebration coming out of the nearby Church- lots of traditional dress and a nice big Croatian flag. We sampled some 'local cuisine' in a free tourist guide-recommended restaurant in the evening, then wandered around looking for good bars only to end up at a free concert in a park with some tribute band- very enjoyable.

We woke up relatively early to enjoy a nice breakfast in one of the market plazas, where I swiftly bought a bracelet before we headed to the station. To our great disappointment we there realised our train (a popular one for interrailers as there were lots of grumbling young foreigners with backpacks on around) had been delayed by about 3 hours, which led to us faffing around with pay phones and playing games for a while.

Graffiti- can't quite make it out so well here.

One of my favourite buildings!

Dinner- if I remember correctly it was stuffed squid or octopus?

Outdoor concert

One of those beard pictures I forgot we were doing...this is one of the last days!

Treating ourselves to the real deal

Finally on the platform- 2 hours 55 minutes later...

The last train! 


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